Site #1: Sand Lake Campground

Evening of 6/25 – Morning of 6/26 2021

Drove and hour 45 minutes to Sand Lake Campground & Recreation Area. Set up at site 19 with a small wooded path that leads to Sand Lake. Campground is self-serve. Rained all the way up but just cloudy here with a drizzle. Walked with Moose to the lake and put my feet in. Saw a garter snake on the way and said hello. Lake was very clear, lots of small minnows and a sandy beach. There is a parking lot ajacent to the beach for day use, fishing and a boat launch. Watched a young kid real in a decent sized small mouth bass.

Back at camp I started a fire. Bought some more firewood and gathered dead, grounded sticks. TONS of caterpillars! They have eaten some of the trees bare.

@8pm things are still damp but fire is roaring. Reading the Count of Monte Cristo as fireflies start to light up the surrounding woods.

Site #2: Seaton Creek Campground

Afternoon of 6/26 – Morning of 6/27

Just a 40 minute drive to the next spot, Seaton Lake Campground. Empty, dirt roads lead to the camp. By far my favorite stop of the trip! Arrived around 11am. Very secluded, self serve camp sites with a beautiful creekbed/river in the back with some great hiking trails. A few day use hikers could be seen parking near the trails. Still felt like I had the whole woods to myself.

Old pines and maples tower overhead site #9 where we setup. A little rainy throughout the day, but mostly dry. River is large, with blue and purple flowers and brush growing around. Walked with Moose in the rain and then settled back at camp when it got heavy to read in the van. Rain tapped on the roof for a few hours.

All cleared up by 5pm and the sun came through. Made Ramen, a fire and sat around with the occasional walks with moose. Enjoyed the quiet  birdsong the surrounding woods provided.

Site #3: Old Grade Campground

 Afternoon of 6/27 – Morning of 6/28 

Heading south now to make my way back. Drove 30 minutes down 37 to the next spot. Stopped at a general store that served food. Bought a really gross burger, some beer and snacks.

Set up at site 11 on the river, it was self serve. Had a fly fisher camping next to me. Hiking trails are nice along the river and connecting creeks. Moose enjoyed these trails the most, must have had some great smells. Campground had plenty of grassy space, was able to play fetch & tug-of-war with moose.

Rained soon after we got back. Everything was damp and fire took 30 minutes to start. The campground itself was isolated, rustic and a little creepy. Decided to extend the trip one more day and will be heading to Ludington tomorrow. Went to bed early, around 10pm. Still havent seen any stars, too cloudy.

Site #4: Buttersville Campground (reservation required)

Afternoon of 6/28 – Morning of 6/29

Westward now to the Lake Michigan coast. Buttersville is a small, legit campground, lots of people and I reserved the very last spot next to the office. Most of the sites are filled with RVs and my site had a power hookup. The campground has a long wooden staircase that leads right down to the beach. Dogs are allowed.

Was able to take a much needed, coin-operated shower. The sun was out for most of the day, and the beach was warm. The water, not so much. Started a fire pretty early and explored the grounds.

There is a very small trail in the northwest side of the grounds that leads to another beach with a parking lot. Me and Moose met a deer no more than 5 feet off the trail, compeletly unbothered by our presence.


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